28th November 2013
Miha Turšič (SLO) / Welcome
Jean-Claude Marcadé (FRA), Russian Suprematism and the Conquest of the Sun
Deborah Douglas (USA), MIT and the culture of scientific instruments
Wendy Coones (USA/AT), Culture of the Lynxes - The history & development and future directions of observation practices
Introduction to Out of the Cradle
Miha Turšič (SLO), director of KSEVT, introduction of the Out of the Cradle platform, conference series and partners
29th November 2013
Culturalization of Space: Arts and Humanities practices and approaches/
Ewen Chardronnet (FRA), Association of Autonomous Astronauts
Kristina Pranjić (SLO), Postgravityart
Marko Peljhan (SLO), MAKROLAB / MIR
Daniela de Paulis (IT/NL), Astronomers without borders
Konrad Becker (AT), world-information.net
Angelo Vermuelen (BE), Seeker / NASA/ESA
Ale De La Puente (MX)
Alejo Duque (Colombia/Swiss), Movimiento de los Sin Satelite
Trevor Paglen (USA)
Joe Davis (USA)
Annnick Bureaud (FRA)
Out of the Cradle Lounge/ Open discussion on future activities
moderated by Miha Turšič (SLO)
dj C-drík aka Kirdec
Interview with Dragan Živadinov (Zavod Delak), Marko Peljhan (Zavod Atol), Deborah Douglas (USA, MIT) and Jean-Claude Marchadé (FR, the Institute of Aesthetics of Arts and Technologies). Interviewed by: Bojan Anđelković, Matej Janković, Medard Kržišnik and Jaka Špiler Duration: 30 minutes RTV Študent, November 2013.